Voice, Speech & Presentation Style Diagnostic


Unlock Your Potential. Get Insights to Enhance Your Leadership Communication Style in Just 90 Minutes.


What Can You Expect From Our Diagnostic?

Our Diagnostic is a great first step towards becoming a more influential communicator and inspiring leader.

Led by a globally experienced Voice & Communication Coach, this diagnostic session offers you a comprehensive evaluation of your current communication skills, along with clear, objective feedback, and guidance designed to help you be a first class communicator and impactful leader.

You'll get three key benefits:

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of your communication style including vocal quality, spoken delivery, persuasive messaging, presentation style, and presence.

  • Actionable Insights: We identify specific areas of opportunity for your professional growth, ensuring you make an immediate impact in your next business presentation, and across other aspects of your leadership communication.

  • A Personalised Plan: You'll walk away with practical, actionable insights that you can apply instantly. Whether it's mastering the art of persuasion, enhancing your executive presence, or engaging your audience with confidence, our session is designed to leave you with valuable skills that last a lifetime. 

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Who Will Benefit?

This session is perfect for business professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone in the public sector looking to:  

1. Elevate their public speaking and presentation skills.

2. Enhance vocal authority and clarity.

3. Improve engagement and persuasion techniques.

4. Develop a commanding executive presence.




In today's media-savvy world, poor communicators don't stand a chance. If your voice doesn't sound right, if you appear awkward, if you deliver monotonous messages, and if you can't inspire confidence, you'll see your impact diminish and your opportunities close down.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your future success. Discover the path to improvement by booking our diagnostic today.

Spots are limited. Secure your session now. Take the first step towards elevating your communication and leadership impact.

Let us help you shine in the spotlight of leadership.

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 Hear from our clients say:


Founder & Executive Director, CumminsRoss Advertising. 

"Veronica has the ability to show you the way through to a higher level of performance. Awareness of the body, of vocal range and delivery was at first unnerving, then liberating.  I was challenged by this experience. And ultimately it was one of the best forms of personal development I have ever done.”   

Senior HR Manager, Coles Group Limited.

"Thank you for taking me out of my comfort zone and helping me find something else in me I didn't know I had."  


Rachel, Physiotherapist

"Through many creative techniques and practice that was developed around my own personal needs and talents, Veronica led me to a world of possibility and excitement. This multidisciplinary approach was a life changing experience." 


Invest in Your Future Self Now


What You Get

  • Expert Voice Coaching Insights: Personalised guidance and advice from a seasoned voice coach to elevate your communication impact.
  • Personal Presence Evaluation: An analysis of your virtual presence, helping you to understand how you can maximise your presence across different mediums. 
  • Voice & Speech Style Assessment: A deep dive into your vocal and speech characteristics to identify what's working for you and what's not. 
  • Strengths Discovery & Enhancement Tips: Identify your strengths and receive actionable tips to further develop them.
  • Top Two Areas for Development: Pinpoint your primary areas for development to focus your improvement efforts effectively.
  • Immediate Impact Strategies: Practical strategies designed to improve your communication impact right away.
  • Vocal Impact Checklist: A handy guide to ensure your voice and speech make a powerful and positive impression every time.
Business man presenting. Business woman waiting to present.

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Like to Discuss?

You may have a personal enquiry or thinking about having your whole team take the Diagnostic. Reach out here.

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